Home > I just don't know what to do!!!

I just don't know what to do!!!

July 18th, 2005 at 02:35 pm

My DH- Dear Honey in our case (not married) is driving me crazy...I can't seem to get him to understand that air conditioning and water are expensive when used excessively! I try to keep the house temp around 76 (its been in the 90s around here), and our bedroom has a fan that’s kept on all night and he sneaks to the thermostat and changes it to 72/73 every night. While he cools down the house, he is outside watering the lawn for HOURS! Yesterday I was out visiting with some friends, when I left he started watering, I got home 4 hours later and he was still watering….About 3 hours later, after getting pretty mad and starting to fight, he finally turned it off. That was after the 5 hours the night before…I am dreading our water bill.

He just doesn’t seem to get it. I feel like the world’s biggest nag. I’m always on his case about his wastefulness…He leaves doors open while the air is on (not to mention the amount of bugs that get in the house)…He starts the shower and walks away for 10-15 minutes- he says its to let the water get hot, even though it takes all of 30 seconds in this house! Turns on multiple TVs and leaves the house…I hate when he attempts to help clean, he uses excessive amounts of soap in the laundry, dish water, and any sprays….

I just can’t figure out what to do to make him think about the money he is wasting…I tried having him do the bills, nothing got paid, I printed out pretty spreadsheets, didn’t work. I’m at my end of my rope! Anyone have any thoughts?

3 Responses to “I just don't know what to do!!!”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Is there something he likes to spend money on like a hobby or a collection? Maybe you could say he could spend half of the money he saves on utilities for that purpose then he has a stake in saving the money. You may not reach your saving goal as quickly but you would at least make progress and after awhile the things he's doing to save money will become unconscious habits.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Money is the #1 thing couples fight about, so this is not surprising. However, he needs to have some regard for your feelings/viewpoint. If he doesn't now, and you don't see it get better take heed. My sister wishes she had, 9 years later! Doesn't he work? Does he not help pay these enormous bills? If you split the bills, maybe you should make him responsible for paying the water and a/c - heating bills. Not physically pay it (like you said, bills weren't paid! not good if you can't trust him to do little but important things IMHO) but hand over the cash to you so he feels the bite in his wallet. Let him keep you cool all summer long if he's paying for it Smile

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I'd say it has to hurt him to feel the bite of the higher bills. Perhaps if he feels the need to be so wasteful you could agree on him paying a larger portion of the bill? You certainly don't want to fight about it forever,and as someone else said... if he doesn't get it now, and can't be made to get it now I'd think about how I'd want to spend the rest of my life. Spoken as one divorced for 20+ years !?!

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